Wednesday, May 30, 2012

When I Need a Push to Wake Up

Dear Mary,

It was eight years ago that a friend introduced me to "Wild Geese." I was hooked on the spot and remain an ardent and daily reader of your exquisite, uplifting, and challenging words. I memorize and recite your poems for the sheer joy of it and I begin each day in search of a serious response to your big question: "Here you are, alive. Would you like to make a comment?" 

You have opened my eyes to the beauty of the Canadian Prairies, where I live. Your gentle reminders to pay attention, to be astonished, and to feel gratitude have enriched my life beyond any telling of it. At times of sadness, your words bring comfort, when I need a push to wake up, your words do that. 

A particular thrill is to commit a favourite poem to memory, with patience and care so that there settles in my mind a perfect copy of a Mary Oliver creation - every word, dash and comma in its place. Just as you intended.

With every good wish for a full recovery,

Denise Ommanney

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